Why Chickens Sometimes Sort Their Feed How many of you love Henhouse Reserve®? The popularity of our Henhouse Reserve® line has exploded in the last couple... Continue reading
Roosters – What to Expect with the Onset of Spring Ahhh, spring! Spring is usually a welcome sight for most of us. It brings greener pastures, new birth, and awakened... Continue reading
Common Eggshell Defects – Cracks and Checks With the daylight increasing every day, egg production from our girls should start to increase, too. Today, we are going... Continue reading
Collecting Eggs in the Winter & Handling Frozen Eggs Winter is a natural time for some older hens to slow or cease egg production. However, if your hens are... Continue reading
Winter Treats and Holiday Goodies for Your Flock The Christmas season is right around the corner and most of us look forward to some yummy food and a... Continue reading
Winter Demands for Your Hens A lot is happening for your hens as winter approaches. The natural decrease in daylight hours in the fall causes... Continue reading
Egg Production Expectations During the “Off” Season Fall is molting season for poultry. A molt is a natural process in which hens will begin to lose and... Continue reading
Protein – Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing? Fall is molting season for poultry, and it is very common to hear a lot of discussion about protein in... Continue reading
Henopause – How Does A Hen’s Age Affect Egg Production? Henopause. It’s a funny play on words, but thinking about how a hen ages can help us understand how this... Continue reading
What Are the Differences in Starter & Grower Phases in Chickens? There are three primary growth phases that most backyard chickens are going to go through – the starter phase, the... Continue reading
How to Choose Between Medicated & Non-Medicated Chick Feed You have committed! You’re going to become a first-time chicken keeper or expand your current flock. You set up your... Continue reading
How To Winterize a Chicken Coop Welcome winter! I am one of the rare folks that welcome the beginning of every season, including winter. Poultry owners... Continue reading